WELLNESS TIP WEDNESDAY: How to be more resilient

What do you think of when I say the word resilient?
Bouncing back? flexibility? recovering easily?

Do you think some people are more resilient than others?

How resilient would you say you are?

Resilience isn’t something that we simply either have or don’t have.
I think instead it’s a dynamic state of being that can be cultivated.

And starting with a good foundation of wellbeing is the key.

In this week’s Wellness Tip Wednesday video I’m sharing some thoughts about how you can build up this foundation and your ability to be resilient so you can tap it when you need it. 

Do you notice how the ways you nourish, move and rest yourself strengthen your resilience?
I’d love to hear. 

If you found this helpful and would like to share your thoughts - or if you’d love some daily inspiration and motivation for your wellness, self-care, and empowered living - I invite you to come join our private Living from Center Community Facebook group. I'd love to connect with you there.