Wellness Strategy Consultation

Wellness Strategy Consultation


Tired of the stress mode you often find yourself in?

Wish you could step off of the reacting-to-life rollercoaster and figure out how to live with more resilience and balance -- in ways that work for you, even when your life is busy?

I invite you schedule a 30 minute personalized Wellness Strategy Consultation with me. 

In this complimentary session, you'll have an opportunity to:

  • share your concerns about the ways that stress is showing up in your life and where you're frustrated or have gotten off track with your healthy living habits.
  • have the experience of feeling truly heard - so that you can gain more clarity and focus around the shifts you want to make.
  • have a useful strategy conversation about what kind of changes and support would feel helpful in your actual day to day life right now.
  • experience a taste of what coaching is like and learn more about ways I work with people like you for wellness support.
  • come away with inspiration and ideas for how you can start to feel more empowered and resilient in your life right now.



Schedule your complimentary Wellness Strategy Consultation here