BLOG - Who Would You Be if You Released an Old Pattern?

Who would you be if you released an old pattern?

Do you have those times in life where you just feel stuck?

And not because you’re not trying, but in fact maybe – being in the mode of ‘trying so hard’ – you realize you’re actually getting in your own way?

I can definitely relate.

Like lots of folks I know, I’ve found myself living lately from a perfectionist place where I make everything more complex than it needs to be. There’s a lot of ‘wanting’ and even a good deal of detailed planning.

But then there’s that elusive bridge between desire, even intention, and the completed actions of everyday life where you can look back at any point and say “I’m doing it!”

Well, yesterday was my birthday. And as I always do this time of year, I did a little reflection ritual for myself last night. Not just because it was my birthday, but because autumn is the wonderfully natural season of reflection, letting go, transition.

This year I took a step back and really saw how this pattern I have of ‘getting in my own way’ was affecting my life, affecting who I want to be. So I made a decision – to shed the ‘trying so hard, but always staying stuck’ mode. It definitely meant acknowledging and looking at some things that were laying underneath the stuck-ness for me: fear, self doubt, etc.

But in taking the time to reflect back and look forward, I got clear.

I’m starting a new year. Starting a new cycle of seasons. This turn around, I want to actually be LIVING my life each day. Not simply trying to.

So I went to bed last night with a vision and a commitment, even a little more trust in myself. But of course as a coach, I also know full well that the power of movement toward living the life you want is in the small concrete steps of the present.

This morning I knew what I needed to do, without the ‘buts’ or excuses, was to simplify. To plainly put myself in action. Today, this blog post represents my new mode. My willingness to move past fear and be a little vulnerable. My choice that not everything has to be complex or take a long time to complete.

That ritual of releasing and letting go of my old ways-of-being has opened up space for me. Instead of feeling stuck today, I’m taking a breath and simply noticing the sunshine through the late October trees.


I invite you to take some time this week to do a little reflecting and maybe a little autumn ritual for yourself.

Are there modes or ways-of-being you’re ready to release from your life?
If you did release them, what space would that open up for you? Who might you be instead?

And what small action might you take this week to step into that space?


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