BLOG - My New Year Breakthrough

My New Year Breakthrough


I am ready.
Well, maybe I’m not.
But heck, it’s a new year.
And I actually love that new year energy of intention and commitment.

So this year, I’ve decided to channel that energy toward something I don’t usually do. I’m going to follow Brian Johnson’s advice and sink into a ‘fire, ready, aim’ approach. When I first heard Brian talk about that concept as he summarized Jason Selk’s book, 10 Minute Toughness, oh boy, did the perfectionist in me bristle uncomfortably.

I’m a thinker, a planner.
Jumping right into action feels – well, hard.

Getting really, really ready and spending lots of time aiming before firing. That’s been more my mode of operating.

But, if I’m going to be honest, I’d have to admit my go-to mode hasn’t really been serving me. It’s morphed into ‘ways I simply keep myself stuck’ more often than not.

In fact, for one particular endeavor I have, it almost feels like my perfectionist planning has become like mortar in a wall of procrastination I’ve put in front of myself.

Excuses I embrace and stories I tell myself complicate it unnecessarily.

What’s the plain and simple thing on the other side of my wall?
— something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.
A daily blogging practice.

You see as a wellness coach, I love thinking about how we change and grow when we notice our relationships with our inner selves. I love learning and sharing about how we discover balance and resiliency, how when we explore living from our centers, we thrive.

So what’s with this wall?

Well a friend helped me dig away a little chink in the mortar recently. The light shining through the crack reminded me that the key to breaking through self imposed walls is to remember why you want to be on the other side.

Having the space here to tune into my own wellness journey and reflect, to share insights, food for thought, to invite conversation and offer connection for us all to grow — that feels good to me. And feeling good is how you know you’re thriving.

Complicated and staying stuck wasn’t thriving.
I was getting tired looking at that same old wall.
This year I want a new view.

So, ready or not, I’m using the momentum of the new year to break through. No more procrastinating. And (gulp), these posts may not be perfect. But I’m excited to be here writing and sharing with you on my wellness blog daily now – at least for the month of January. And my guess is that I’ll keep going too…I have a feeling I’m gonna like how the journey feels on the other side of this wall.

I’m wondering, do you have a wall of procrastination excuses somewhere in your life, maybe even cemented with a little perfectionism? Do you remember why you want to be on the other side?

New year energy is good for summoning courage and having breakthroughs.


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